Paying taxes is not particularly easy anywhere in the world for anyone who has expended time, energy and other resources to earn the income. The major reason for this is that there is no direct benefit for tax payment.

Every Taxable person is legally required to file monthly tax returns with the Tax Authorities. These returns must be filed in the manner laid down by law, and they must be filed within a specific period. The law specifies the type of returns, the nature of information required, as well as the frequency and manner in which the returns should be filed.

Every company is required to file monthly VAT and Withholding Tax Returns with FIRS even if exempted by the law from paying tax. These returns are filed on specific forms, and filing is usually acknowledged by the tax office.

Companies are also required to file annual returns with the Tax Authorities. such returns should be filed within eighteen (18) months of incorporation or six (6) months after its accounting year end, whichever comes earlier.

Failure to file the relevant returns places your business at the risk of incurring penalties. Worse still, a lien may be placed on your account or your business may be sealed by the tax authorities in the pursuit of the outstanding taxes and penalties.

Please fill out the form below to commence the process of filing your monthly tax returns. Once we receive your payment, we shall start working on your instructions.

* are compulsory